Adrian Quevedo's avatar photo


Senior UI Engineer,
Huge Inc

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    Client: Google
    Agency: Huge Inc
    When Android launched in 2008, as an open-source OS, a bold decision was made to make the logo open source too. This meant developers, partners, and fans could modify the little green robot at will. Twelve years and over 2.5B users later, the OS had become a global standard — without global guidelines. How do you rebrand the world’s largest OS when you don’t own its most iconic asset? You turn it into the design system. From the bold graphics and custom typeface to the user experience elements, we built an entire design system from the shapes of the robot. We made the system universally accessible, created comprehensive guidelines for the first time in brand history and brought it all to life in a state-of-the-art mobile-first experience for The redesign has been positively received by designers and developers and has resulted in a 55% increase in site satisfaction.


    Adrian is a multi-talented interaction designer, developer, and visual designer. He excels in creating seamless user experiences for the web, leveraging his expertise in both design and front-end development.

    With a portfolio featuring top brands such as Google, Chrome Enterprise, Android, ESPN, Southwest Airlines, Gucci, .CO, Chevrolet, Pepsi, and Pernod Ricard, Adrian brings a wealth of experience to his work.

    Adrian is a Senior UI Engineer at Studio XL, a team within Huge that partners with Google.


    Current Gig
    Huge Inc
    Senior UI Engineer
    Jan 2018 - Present
    • Cannes Lions
    • One Show
    • Iberoamerica Eye