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    Beyond Aero thumbnail

    Beyond Aero


    Context: Beyond Aero, a start-up in hydrogen-powered aircraft transportation originally from Toulouse and now based in Los Angeles, turned to us for a modern, captivating web experience.

    The challenge: Illustrate the genius of their team and their work through an experience that blends succinct presentation and at the same time an essential technical detail in their sector.

    The solution: A dual experience with a real-time 3D home that focuses on the product and its design, and a product page that gets to the heart of the matter with pre-rendered image sequences that illustrate the marvels of forward-thinking engineering that Beyond Aero demonstrates.

    The result: an image of excellence installed, a highly functional site that allows the Beyond Aero teams to make no compromise on the continuity of their identity, and a renewed collaboration to push the experience even further.
