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    ICON Motosports thumbnail

    ICON Motosports


    We built a website that could showcase their inspired product design, bikes, videos, and more with all of the speed and attitude of their brand and riders.

    ICON is a Portland Oregon based company and industry leader in protective motorcycle gear. With seasonal product releases, epic video productions, and limiter stories there are no dead ends to the amount of content on the site. The ICON websites are the hub of product information for their customers, brick & mortar and online retailers.

    ICON Motosports was comprised of two additional brands ICON 1000 and Raiden (no longer available). Each is geared towards a specific theme – street, modern, and adventure. All three brands needed to be able to live on their own while still being Icon. We developed three websites under one code base that are all functionally the same, but each being styled independently from one another.

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