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Parliament is a design agency located in PDX.

They target specific industries they've defined as: Things with Wheels, Hook & Bullet, The Great Outdoors, and Surf. They can really do it all.

Parliament has a beautiful collection of photography assets and the website does a really nice job showcasing that content, especially in their Journal posts.

Pre-designed and developed content modules give the website a ton of flexibility. They all have available layout, theme, and style options too.

There are behind the scenes features like custom landing pages that are used to target potential clients. Also, an entire job applicant management system where you can rate each candidate, write notes, and have easy access to their information.


Navigation Menu

Making full use of the available screen space we displayed links on the right, but also a randomly selected CTA on the left.

New CTAs can be made and weighted so that certain ones show up more often than others.

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Content Modules

There are at least a dozen content modules ready to use on any page, in any order, with several styling and layout options to make pages unique from one another.

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Eric is that rare developer who respects the integrity of a given design, yet knows the best way to enhance user experience and systematize a site’s structure.
He actively contributes to brainstorms and elevates every project he’s involved with.

— Chris Erickson, Creative Director & Founding Partner, Parliament

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Online Store

We used Craft Commerce to power the shop which gave us the flexibility to completely customize the experience.

Custom shopping UI

Beautiful product shots, add to cart animation, and dark themed cart.

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Parliament has a strong grip on their brand identity and know exactly who they are.

The website is packed full of features – the fully customizable pages and content, fullscreen navigation and weighted CTAs, targeted landing pages, a custom store, and the applicant management system.

They’ve been known to host happy hours to anyone who wants to hang. Definitely stop by and say hi to these rad dudes if you’re in the area.

Like this project and want to chat about what we could do for you? Say hello!