Shelby Kay's avatar photo
Okay Dev


Front-End Web Developer,

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    Branding + landing page for Allfeat, a blockchain designed for the music industry
    Baptiste Glaymann
    Website for a French Production Designer, specialized in fashion, luxury and film.


    Front-End Developer with a love for design

    Current Gig
    Front-End Web Developer
    2020 - present
    • DOM PÉRIGNON Awwwards - Site of the Day
    • PORTFOLIO SiteInspire + Showcase Sanity Feature & Interview + MaxiBestOf Showcase
    • ATELIER.M Awwwards HM + Mobile Excellence + Codrops Inspirational Websites
    • HOUSES OF Awwwards SOTD + DOTD + Mobile Excellence + FWA Favorite Of The Day + CommunicationArts Webpicks Interview + Showcase on Codrops Collective + Siteinspire Showcase
    • FLAYKS PORTFOLIO SiteInspire Showcase + Awwwards Mobile Site of the Week + Mobile Excellence + HM + Mobile Site of the Year Nominee
    • CETRUCFLOTTE Awwwards HM + Mobile Excellence + Codrops Inspirational Websites + CommunicationArts Webpicks Interview