Daniele Borra's avatar photo
Okay Dev


Creative Developer,

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    Pasqua Wines image
    Pasqua Wines
    Client: Pasqua Vini
    Agency: Adoratorio
    The House of the Unconventional, where wine-making is wine-reinventing.


    Born a code-geek in ’93, it’s only during the last year of high school that he couples his love for code with that for Design, realising that yeah: developers can escape anonymity and bathe in the light of success like Designers do. An epiphany leads him to the gates of the Academy of fine arts. But following a vision is difficult, bringing him to forge his nerves and steel his resolve during a 4-year experience in “old school” communication agencies. In 2017, a light: Daniele joins Adoratorio where he can finally apply his skills on “cool shit that works”, and add the coveted “Creative” adjective to its Developer role.

    Current Gig
    Creative Developer